Thursday, July 28, 2005

Frame Shift?

What I wouldn't give for an extremely detail oriented person right now...

It should be simple. Give SimRender this list of numbers, and it will display the parasites moving according to those numbers. I tried to follow what Ford gave as the format exactly. But SimRender is not reading the file properly. It's almost like... a frame shift. If I were to give an example of what I think is happening: Say I give it

10 20.432 30 40 50 60

And then it reads that as:

102 0.4 32 30 405 0 60

But it isn't a pattern that I can look at and say, oh, this is what is wrong. Maybe it is different because it's converted to binary first and there are extra bits or bytes or words or THINGIES that tell it whether it is signed or not.

I need to know EXACTLY what SimRender is, taking NOTHING for granted. Things that are default in C++ have to be manually set in Scheme.

As it is I'm going to have to make up some kind of formula to switch x y z coordinates to the coordinate system that SimRender uses (he swapped the y and z axis, and the origin is in the back lower right corner instead of the back lower left corner).

[vent] I hate not having all my ducks in a row like this. In order to make this work I need to know where all the pieces are and how they fit. And I don't. SO frustrating. And there are only about 10 days till I have to give my presentation. And there is more to do beyond just getting it to display. ARRRGH. [/vent]


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